From the Desk of Manager
As we look ahead
into the next century
leaders will be those
who empower others
Mission Academy has been educating boys and girls since 1997 and though much has been changed, never the less, our Mission remains the same. We are committed to developing students of high academic achievement intellectual curiosity and strong moral character. As a result Mission Academy, Years after, matriculates respectful, responsible and compassionate young students who are well prepare to tackle the challenges that they are going to lay ahead.
Our aim is to strength student’s intellectual caliber entwind with unyielding moral fibre to empower them physically, mentally and spiritually. All this without the blessings of My Master, is not possible. Mere words cannot express our profound gratitude to our founding father.
The ultimate goal of school is upliftment cannot be possible without being obliged to the principal, all the teachers fraternity and staff along with our indebtness to the guardians for their continuous trust, co-operations and selfless support.
Manager picture

Our ambitions
Our ambition to builds a student up and completes them into amazing human beings.
Our mission
Our events
- Indoor outdoor games.
- Physical activities.
- Anual function.
- Parents meetings.